In line with the most recent government advice (of 23/03/20), Edinburgh Central Mosque is closed to the public with immediate effect until further notice. The Mosque will only open again during this period for the performance of Janaza prayers when this is necessary, with attendance being confined to the immediate family of the deceased, and handled by the Scottish Muslim Funeral Service. For the safety of our staff and their families, they will now be working from home until the Government deems it safe and appropriate for business to resume as normal.
If you require to contact any staff member, including our Imams for advice, please email us at [email protected] and your query will be passed on to the appropriate member of our team and we will respond to you as soon as we can. We thank your for your patience with us during these challenging, and continually developing, times.
While we are deeply saddened that the Mosque is required to temporarily close its doors to the public, we do this knowing that this is for the greater good of our community and the Scottish population. We ask Allah subhaanhu wa’tala to strengthen our faith and trust in Him, His Will, His Knowledge and His Power. And we ask from our community that you stay home, and you stay safe. Allah is with us throughout all of this – may our reaction and response to this trial be one that is most pleasing to Him.
Last Updated: 11:18am 23rd March 2020