We need your help!

We need your help for the Eid party!

We depend on people like you to provide many of our services to the community.


We’re now finalising plans for the Eid party and as such we need volunteers to help finalise the plans and be on the ground on the day to help make the party a success.


For this we need help in all areas of the party. Are you willing to help? Do you know someone who can help ?


We’re having the general volunteer meeting Tuesday 21st June 6:30pm after Asr in the Mosque Library


We’re looking for the following:


  • 4 Face painters
  • 2 Hennah artists
  • Social media reporter
  • Photographer
  • 12 Bouncy castle operators
  • 2 Ice Cream server
  • 8 Tea / coffee / biscuit stand operators
  • General helpers
  • Floor/crowd control supervisors
  • Stalls manager
  • Volunteers manager
  • Buyer / shopper for materials
  • Games designers and operators
  • General helpers.


Can you help? We aim to have a maximum of 2-3 hours shift per job so you can have some fun with your family.

If you’re willing to help, you must be able to attend the allocation meeting on the day of Eid at 9am.


Please get in touch as soon as possible with your phone number so you can be added you to the WhatsApp organisers group.


Error: Contact form not found.

Ramdan Quran Competition 1438 update

The Edinburgh Central Mosque would like to announce the delay of the Quran competition.
The competition will take place on Saturday and Sunday 3-4/6/2017.
It starts at 12 pm and ends at 4 pm.

Welcome to our honourable guests

مسجد الملك فهد والمركز الإسلامي في إدنبره


بمعالي أمين عام رابطة العالم الإسلامي

وعضو هيئة كبار العلماء بالمملكة العربية السعودية

فضيلة الشيخ الدكتور / محمد بن عبدالكريم العيسى

وأعضاء مجلس الأمناء والوفد المرافق.

The King Fahad Mosque

and Islamic Centre of Edinburgh


His Excellency, the Secretary General of the Muslim World League Member of Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia,

 Dr Mohammed Abdulkarim Al-Isa,
the Board of Trustees, and the accompanying delegation.

Central Mosque Ramadhan Quran competition for the youth

Edinburgh’s Central Mosque is happy to announce the opening of the registration of the Quran competition for young men and women under 18 years old.

Great and wonderful prizes are offered including an iPhone for the first place in Group 1.

The registration is open now, with forms can be filled online or in person.

Competition rules 

General Information:

  • The registration will start on 1st of Sha’ban 1438 and will continue till 27th of Sha’ban 1438.
  • The registration is open for boys and girls.
  • The competition will be held on the first Sunday of Ramadan 1438. (28 May 2017)
  • The interested candidates are advised to fill the prescribed form on
    Mosque website.
  • The interested candidates are requested to mention their specified
    version of Recitation (Qiraat) prior.


The candidate must be no more than 18 years and there is no lower limit for age.


  • All participants are classified into four groups:
    • Participants memorised 5 parts (from Al-Ahqaf to An-Nas) are classified as Group 1 and they will be tested accordingly.
    • Participants memorised 3 parts (from Al-Mujadalah to An-Nas) are classified as group 2 and will be tested accordingly.
    • Participants memorised 1 part (from An-Naba’ to An-Nas) are classified as group
      3 and will be tested accordingly.
    • Participants who memorised from Al-Qari’a to An-Nas are classified as Group 4 and will be tested accordingly. Additional points will be awarded for those who have memorised ayat Al-Kursi and the last 2 ayat from Surat Al-Baqarah.
  • All participants must note that the rules of Tajweed will be considered in testing.
  • All participants will be asked 5 questions. Total marks are 100. 70 marks are for
    memorisation, 20 for Tajweed rules and 10 for recitation.

Prizes and Gifts:

  • For Group 1 the prizes are iPhone, iPad and Android tablet for the first, second and third
    place participants respectively.
  • For Group 2 the prizes are mini iPad, Android tablet and a valuable watch for the first,
    second and third place participants respectively.
  • For Group 3 the prizes are Android tablet and valuable watches for the first, second and third place participants respectively.
  • For Group 4 the prizes are to be confirmed.

Candidates are notified that it is necessary to obtain at least 85%, 80% and 70% marks to secure first, second and third place respectively.

Application form in PDF

Application form in Excel

Peace. Shalom. Salam


Peace. Shalom. Salam.

We received this beautiful card and message from a kind soul who thought it important to reach out and show support to the Muslim Community.

We are extremely grateful and humbled every time we receive messages of support in difficult times. The wider Edinburgh Community is so diverse, welcoming and open minded that we are proud to be a part of it, and proud to call it home.

To our dear friend, who sent this lovely card, we had no return address but hope you may see our response via our social media and website – we’d love to meet you and welcome you into the Mosque.

Social Gathering Event Programme

Community Open Meeting (1)

Social Gathering Event Programme

March 5th 2017

3:00pm – Welcome & Reception

3:30pm- Asr Prayer

4:00pm- Opening of the Event. Introducing the Mosque Director and Administration

4.15pm- Open discussion

4:45pm- Refreshments and snacks

5:55pm- Maghrib and conclusion of event

The Masjid Team would kindly request that we work together in maintaining our space of worship. Families are welcome and we kindly request that they continue to be responsible for their children at all times during the event.

Thank you for your cooperation in making this gathering a success.

The Mosque’s Year Review 2016


We are pleased to publish our year review here. By December 2015 , ECM employed a new director, Imam and Facilities Manager to bring in a new team responsible for the mosque. Team work, transparency and consultation facilitated the gradual expansion of the staff base to cover the work areas of: Support, Aid and Admin. The new structure  enabled a diversity of volunteers to enrich the mosque’s services in a range of areas such as: women, children, youth, education, recreation, gardening and health & wellbeing.

Over the year, we hosted 105 groups and a total of 2664 visitors to the mosque. We have introduced four fully fledged educational courses of study for adults, designed a curriculum for the Mosque school, liaised with 61 institutions, engaged over 25 interfaith activities and participated in 13 official governmental meetings. Read the full report here.