COVID-19 Privacy Policy

Collection of Personal Data

For the health and safety of the customers and staff at the Mosque, we are recording the name and contact details of everyone who enters to support NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect. This information will be used to enable NHS Scotland to contact you should you have been in the premises around the same time as someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. Contacting people who might have been exposed to the virus is an important step in stopping the spread.

Reasons for data collection

As stated above, the purpose for which we are processing your personal data is to assist with NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect strategy in relation to the coronavirus public health epidemic. This will involve the gathering and, when necessary, the sharing of information with NHS Scotland as the responsible body for Test and Protect. Your data will not be used for any other purpose.

In order to assist in the containment of the virus, we will only share your data when it is requested directly by NHS Scotland.  This will only be in the unlikely event there is a cluster of coronavirus cases linked to the Mosque. Information will be transferred securely to NHS National Services Scotland who will use the data to contact trace those who were in the Mosque at the same time as the positive case, and will provide guidance and support to those who may be advised to self-isolate.

Read further information on the NHS Scotland Test and Protect strategy on the NHS website.

Type of data collected

Along with the date and time of your arrival and departure, we will collect the following personal data if:

  • your full name
  • contact telephone number
  • an email address

No health information will be requested or stored.

Lawful basis for collecting this data

Under data protection law, GDPR Article 6(1), we have a number of lawful bases that allow us to collect and process personal information. In this case, the lawful basis for processing your data is legitimate interests’.

Broadly speaking ‘legitimate interests’ means that we can process your personal information if we have a genuine and legitimate reason and we are not harming any of your rights and interests.

Our legitimate reason for processing your data is to assist with NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect strategy in relation to the coronavirus public health epidemic.

Before sharing any information we will carefully consider and balance any potential impact on you and your rights.

Data retention period

Data recorded as part of the Test and Protect Initiative only needs to be stored for 21 days from recording. In order to provide you with the booking facility, the data collected when registering to the booking system will be retained until the point the booking system is no longer required. This is likely to be longer than 21 days. Data collected in relation to entering and exiting the building while attending each prayer will be deleted 21 days after the data is recorded.

All personal data will be held and disposed of in a safe and secure manner.


For the purposes of ensuring public health and safety, we might contact you using the email address and telephone number you have provided to give you written instructions specifically tailored to the prayer(s) you have booked. For example, this may be to instruct you to queue at a specific entrance of the building when you arrive. These instructions will help to ensure that everyone remains safe and that we are able to provide multiple prayers to the community in a short amount of time, such as the Friday Prayer and Eid Prayers.

We will not contact you regarding any other matter and you may choose to opt out of receiving these instructions by emailing [email protected] and stating your name, email address and phone number.

Your rights

As defined in the data protection law, GDPR Article(s) 12-23, you have the following rights:

  • the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data. This is outlined above.
  • the right to erasure. If at any point within the 21 days after your visit you decide you’d like us to delete the personal data you provided, please advise us and we will delete all information related to you.
  • the right to object to us processing your personal data. If you do so, we will delete all the personal data we hold in relation to you.
  • the right to rectification. If the information held is in any way incorrect, you can contact the data controller and request that the information be rectified.

In certain circumstances exemptions to these rights may apply. Further information is available on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

Complaint procedure

If you consider that your personal data has been misused or mishandled by us, you can raise this with our data controller by emailing [email protected] or calling 0131 667 1777. You may also submit your complaint in writing  and post it to

Data Controller
Edinburgh Central Mosque
50 Potterrow